9th July, 2003
Ministry of Defence  


There is no proposal of downgrading the Trishul Missile project. The technical problems have been analysed and the requisite modifications affected in various guidance and sub-systems and in the composition of the propellant. Four Trishul missiles were launched in full combat configuration from a Trishul Combat Vehicle from June 22 to June 25, 2003 in the presence of the service officers. All flight objectives were met. It has been decided that further flight trials of Trishul will be carried out in association with the users.

Trishul is a quick reaction, low level missile system being developed in surface to air role with the capability to engage targets upto 9 km, and as anti sea skimming missile against low level missiles. The Trishul missile system being developed is common for all the three services. However, ground systems and launch platforms are different for the three users.

During some of the trials prior to June 2003, the Trishul missile system was not meeting all the desired parameters. The problem lay in the consistency of its guidance and control system. It was during that stage that the Navy was allowed to import through a fast-paced reanalysis in the R&D mode.

Having overcome the technological problems, Trishul missile was readied for the launches during June 2003. All the missile sub-systems, air frames, controls, integrated with ground control system of the combat vehicle etc. – worked as expected – achieving mis-distance against moving targets better than the one specified.