14th August, 2003
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


Rajya Sabha

While the Food Corporatin of India (FCI) prepares its accounts on an annual basis it could not submit its Audit Reports upto date as there was a dispute between the FCI and the Principal Auditors appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG). After an amendment in the Food Corporations Act, 1964 in May, 2000, the C&AG has become the sole auditor. The accounts of the FCI have since been certified by the C&AG upto the year 1999-2000 and laid in the both Houses of Parliament. The position of finalisation of accounts for the last three years are as under:-

2000-01- The accounts have been adopted by the Board of Directors of FCI. The Audit Report of C&AG is awaited.

2001-02- The accounts have been completed. Audit of accounts by C&AG is in progress/discussion stage.

2002-03- The finalisation of accounts is in advanced stage and audit is expected to commence shortly. The accounts will become due for laying in the Parliament around December, 2003.

This information was given in Rajya Sabha today by the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Shri Subhash Maharia in a written reply.