11th October, 2002
Prime Minister's Office  


Following is the text of the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s speech at the meeting with Speaker of the Danish Parliament (Folketing) at Copenhagen today:

"Mr. Speaker,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for your warm words of welcome.

I am happy to be in your beautiful city. It is also a privilege to be invited to your Parliament.

Well established Parliamentary democratic systems are something our countries have in common. They have enabled us to sustain a sound framework of democratic governance and all round national development.

Mr. Speaker, we in India are experiencing in our democracy a relatively new phase of coalition governments. Your country has also worked with coalitions and absorbed different shades of opinion. Our two countries can fruitfully share our experiences of the functioning of our respective multi-party systems. I hope that a new tradition of bilateral Parliamentary dialogue can be commenced by an exchange of Parliamentary delegations.

We also share the values of democracy and adherence to the rule of law. Unfortunately, open democratic societies like ours face serious threats from the menace of international terrorism. It is doubly unfortunate when States provide safe havens and support to terrorist networks. Hence our strong emphasis on the principle that the fight against terrorism should not be restricted only to its perpetrators; it should also encompass the States that sponsor them.

Mr. Speaker,

You and your colleagues may have followed the course of the recently held elections in Jammu & Kashmir. The large number of candidates and turnout of voters, in the face of open intimidation and targeted killings by terrorists, has again proved the resilience of Indian democracy. The ballot has clearly won over the bullet.

Relations between India and Denmark are today marked by a spirit of cordiality and mutual understanding. Economic and commercial relations between our two countries are also expanding, although there remains scope for faster progress. I hope that my visit here, though primarily in the context of the India-EU Summit, will lead to greater bilateral understanding between India and Denmark and strengthen the existing bonds of friendship amongst our peoples.

Thank you".