27th September, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


INSAT-3E is all set to launch tomorrow (September 28, 2003) between 4.32 am and 4.50 am IST. The forth in the INSAT-3 series, its launch was delayed by more than a month due to problems in some components. The INSAT-3E will be put into orbit by "Ariane" the European Space Agency vehicle from Kourou, in French Guyana. INSAT-3A, 3B, 3C are already operational. 3D, the last in the series, is an exclusive met-satellite slated for launch during 2004.

INSAT-3E, an exclusive communication satellite will replace INSAT-2DT as well as transponders taken on lease, besides augmenting the present INSAT capacity for Tele-communication services. Thirty minutes after lift-off, the satellite will be injected into a geo-synchronous transfer orbit. The Master Control Facility at Hasan in Karnataka will take command of the spacecraft after receiving the first signals from it.

INSAT-3E payloads comprise, 24 C-band transponders, and 12 extended C-Band transponders.