25th September, 2003
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation  


A one day National Workshop on Municipal Accounting Reforms is being organized here tomorrow jointly by the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, National Institute of Urban Affairs and USAID to discuss the progress on implementation of accounting & budget formats suggested by the Task Force constituted by Comptroller & Auditor General of India. The Task Force report submitted in December, 2002 had recommended that Urban Local Bodies should follow uniform formats for presentation of annual financial statement and if needed the relevant Act/rules governing municipal accounts have to be amended to facilitate switchover from the cash based accounting to accrual based accounting system.

Among other things the workshop will discuss the adoption of accrual based accounting system and constitution of state level steering committees before 31st December, 2003. It will also examine the necessity for developing a model accounting manual and model training module by the Department of Urban Development, Government of India in consultation with C&AG. Computerization of budget and accounts by 1.4.2006 will also be considered. Majority of states are yet to computerize the offices of municipal bodies except Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh which have already computerized it or are in advance stages of computerization.

Government has accorded high priority to the municipal accounting reform so that municipal bodies are able to manage their financial matters in an efficient and effective manner and also enter into public-private partnership and have access to the domestic capital market.

It may be noted that in pursuance of the recommendations of the Eleventh Finance Commission (200-01), Department of Expenditure had issued Guidelines for the utilization of Local Bodies Grants in June, 2001. In terms of these guidelines, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India was to prescribe the format for preparation of budgets and for keeping of accounts of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).

Secretaries incharge of Local Self Government and Directors of Local Fund Audit of all states, representatives of C&AG, USAID, Research and Training Institutions will participate in the workshop.

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