24th September, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  



Government has renamed the "Scheme to promote Voluntary Action For Persons With Disabilities " after Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya on the eve of his birth anniversary on 25th September. The Scheme run by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment will now be known as "Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme". This has been done in pursuance of the direction of the Prime Minister as a tribute to Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya who, as an outstanding thinker, was deeply concerned about the welfare of last man in the society. Pandit Deendayal advocated for reawakening the latent abilities of a person to get him a rightful place in society. Considering education as a social responsibility, Pandit Deendayal said, "Education is an investment in the interest of society. Development does not start with goods, it starts with people and their education, organisation and discipline… The development of human being should be to create an integral being… we must re-establish him in his rightful position, bring him the satisfaction of his greatness, reawaken his abilities and encourage him to exert for attaining divine heights of his latent personality."

Promoting Voluntary Action:

People with disabilities belong to the families and communities in which they live. Their assistance can be more effective through utilization and convergence of local resources. With this objective in view the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has been promoting voluntary action so

that rehabilitation can be community based as far as possible. Parents/guardians and voluntary organisations are encouraged to provide rehabilitation services. This has resulted in coming up of a large number of Non-Governmental Organisations in the disability sector in recent years. The Ministry provides them financial assistance and technical and administrative support under the Scheme to Promote Voluntary Action For persons with Disabilities.

Assistance to Voluntary Organisations:

The voluntary organisations are assisted in running rehabilitation centres for leprosy cured persons and also for manpower development in the field of mental retardation and cerebral palsy. They are also assisted in establishment and development of special schools for major disability areas, viz. Orthopedic, speech, hearing, visual and mental disability. The NGOs are extended assistance for setting up projects of vocational training to facilitate the disabled persons to be as independent as possible by acquiring basic skills. According to the Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya the aim is to enlarge the scope of vocational and professional opportunities for them for gainful and income generating occupations. The Ministry, under the Scheme supports both recurring and non-recurring expenditure of projects by NGOs upto 90 percent. 534 Organizations were assisted with grant-in-aid worth Rs. 62.13 crore in 2000-2001 and 644 organisations with Rs.60.82 crore during 2001-2002. Similarly 546 Organisations were assisted with Rs.50.76 crore from April to December 2002 to benefit over one-lakh persons.

Rationalisation of Scheme

The Ministry has been rationalising the Scheme since 1992-92 when it administered 4 NGO Schemes. They were merged into an Umbrella

Scheme with effect from January, 1999 in order to broaden their objective and make them in consonance with the provisions of Persons With Disabilities Act. In the light of the further experience gained in implementation of the Scheme, the Ministry undertook a detailed exercise on rationalisation of cost norms. Broadly the new norms define illustrative project profiles, expectations from these projects, and a desirable cost profile based on a set of parameters. An effort has also been made to provide information about the norms of the scheme, revised application forms and circulars at one place.