24th September, 2003
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


An Additional Bench of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), the apex body of consumer forum was inaugurated at a function held here today by Shri Sharad Yadav, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. Under the Consumer Protection Act a 3-tier quasi-judicial machinery has been created to provide speedy, simple and inexpensive redressal to consumer disputes comprising a National Commission, 35 State Commissions and 571 districts forums.

Inaugurating the additional Bench of NCDRC, Shri Yadav said that strengthening the consumer court would result in the strengthening of democracy itself. Consumer awareness has picked up momentum considerably since the enactment of Consumer Protection Act in 1986 as evident from the ever-increasing number of cases being filed in the consumer courts. Out of a total of 20,83,222 cases filed in these quasi-judicial bodies upto June this year, 17,37,349 cases have been disposed of registering 83.44 per cent of disposal.

The Additional Bench has been created to speed up disposal of cases within the stipulated period of 90 to 150 days, which is yet to be achieved due to infrastructural short-comings. Under the amended Consumer Protection Act which came into effect from March 15, 2003 the jurisdiction of all the agencies have been enhanced and more powers given to deal with consumer grievances and the implementation of their orders effectively.

Speaking on the occasion Justice Shri D.P. Wadhawa, President, NCDRC said that circuit Benches would be constituted in states like West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu etc. for speedy disposal of cases and a compendium of important judgements be brought out for the benefit of the Bar. More Benches of Consumer Courts would be required for the disposal of all the cases filed in the courts within the stipulated period, he pointed out.