3rd September, 2003
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation  


Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation has approved water supply schemes for 901 towns under the Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme up to July, 2003. The cost of these schemes is estimated to be Rs. 1173.98 crore. An amount of Rs. 524.06 crore has been released as Central share since launching of the programme in March, 1994. So far, 321 schemes in as many towns are reported to have been completed or partially commissioned.

The Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme (AUWSP) was launched to extend financial support to the State Governments/local bodies and to provide water supply facilities in towns having population less than 20 thousand as per 1991 census. It is now proposed to bring small towns having population less than 20 thousand as per 2001 census under the programme, by modifying the existing guidelines.

In the 10th plan Rs. 900 crore have been allocated under Central Plan for implementation of AUWSP. In the year 2002-03 funds amounting Rs. 121.95 crore were released to the States under AUWSP. Maximum amount of Rs. 24.26 crore was released to Uttar Pradesh while Madhya Pradesh got Rs. 12.36 crore and Karnataka Rs. 10.55 crore. During 2003-04 (Up to July ’03) 41.53 crore have been released to States against an outlay of Rs. 140 crore. Rs. 16.47 crore have been released for Uttar Pradesh, Rs. 7.82 crore for Karnataka and Rs. 5.77 crore for Gujarat.