24th October, 2003
Ministry of Science & Techology  


Australia has agreed to look into its unregistered educational institutions operating from India. These institutions run by elements from Australia in connivance with elements in India have been a source of irritant and an hurdle in the way of better educational collaboration between the two sides.

A total of 40 Australian Educational Institutions are reportedly operating in India and out of these only 26 are registered with the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs of Australia. The remaining 14 are not registered and students who go through them, face problems in Australia and put India also in difficulty, as the degrees given by them are neither recognised by Australia nor by India.

Issues relating to these came up for discussion here yesterday, at delegation level talks headed by the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science & Technology, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi and the Australian Minister for Education, Science and Training, Dr. Brendan Nelson. Dr. Joshi told him that there has to be a joint mechanism to check this as well as a well-oiled system of recruitment. While agreeing to Dr. Joshi’s suggestion, the Australian Minister also accepted India’s proposal of mutual exchange of students to promote better educational activities. Dr. Nelson also agreed to restore the award of 30 Australian government scholarships to India in post-graduate and Doctoral studies in various disciplines.

The two Ministers later signed an exchange programme on cooperation in education and training. Under the agreement the two sides will strive to develop contacts between educational institutions in the two countries; organise joint research programmes; exchange scholars, teachers, experts and students; set up educational/training institutions of excellence in technical, vocational and higher education, provision of scholarships for education in institutions of higher learning as well as examining the possibility of mutual recognition of educational qualifications.