24th October, 2003
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare  


The Union Health Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj invited the Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit for a meeting to review the Dengue situation in Delhi today at 1 P.M. at Nirman Bhavan. The steps taken by Delhi Government for dealing with the dengue situation and the assistance provided by the Central Government were discussed. Concern was expressed at the incorrect reporting in certain sections of the Press regarding the outbreak of a "mysterious fever" in Delhi. Addressing members of the media, after the meeting, both Smt. Sushma Swaraj and Smt. Sheila Dikshit confirmed that there was no mysterious fever in Delhi and the patients who were having symptoms of dengue were in fact suffering from dengue only. This aspect had been already clarified by the Health Ministry yesterday when Secretary (Health) had met the press. To recapitulate, the antibodies for dengue fever appeared in the person only after 5 to 7 days of the person having symptoms of dengue. Accordingly, dengue test done within 5 to 7 days of a person getting symptoms of dengue would be negative as the test was based on antibodies.

Both the Chief Minister and the Health Minister confirmed that the Central Government and the State Government were working in close coordination and that there was no dearth of blood and plasma or availability of other infrastructure in the hospitals. They also appealed to the Private Hospitals that patients of dengue should not be asked to arrange for plasma on a routine basis. Only if the platelet counts falls to 50,000 or below and the person is bleeding, platelets may be required. It was also informed that Chief Secretary of the Delhi Government had in a meeting with private Hospitals yesterday, warned them not to create an unnecessary demand for plasma and to also not over charge for the blood plasma.

Smt. Dikshit and Smt. Swaraj also appealed to the general public to ensure that sanitation is improved and collections of water whether in coolers, flower vases, puddles etc. are not permitted as the dengue mosquitoes breed in such clear water collections.

The Health Minister and Chief Secretary of the Delhi Government and Secretary (Health), Director General Health Services, Director, NICD, Director, National Malaria Control programme and Director-General, ICMR from the Central Government also attended the meeting.

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