21st October, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


The Government has notified the Constitution of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities. This has been done in pursuance with the announcement made by the Prime Minister for the welfare of the persons with disabilities on the Independence Day. The Nine-member Commission would include the Chairperson, two full time Members and five Associate Members. They shall be persons of eminence and involved in the rehabilitation and advocacy for the rights of the persons with disabilities. The Commission would also have a full time Member Secretary.

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has in a Gazette Notification issued here said that three of the Members will separately represent the persons with hearing impairment, visual impairment and locomotor disability while one each shall be nominated from the Associations of Parents/Guardians of persons suffering from mental retardation and from autism, cerebral palsy or multiple disability. Two of the members shall atleast be women. The Chairperson and other members except the Member Secretary shall be appointed for a three-year term and can be re-appointed for one additional term. They will hold office during the pleasure of the President.

The Commission would recommend to the Central Government specific programme of action for facilitating full participation of the persons with disabilities in the social and economic life of the Country. This would involve provision of right education, vocational training and poverty elevation packages, employment and other support services so that the disabled persons are assessed for their abilities despite disabilities. The Commission would also review the status and conditions of Institutions delivering services in the disability sector. It would also discharge any other work assigned by Central Government from time to time. The Commission shall have the power to call information from any government, local or other authority concerned with the implementation of programme and schemes for the disabled persons. It would submit its report annually, which would include the recommendations.

It is estimated that on an average 5% of the country’s population suffers from some kind of disability. According to some estimates the available services cater to only about 5% of the disabled persons. The Commission is expected to help the government in bridging this wide gap between the requirement and availability of the rehabilitation services.