16th October, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



The Agriculture Secretary has called upon multilateral agencies to suitably amend their aid disbursement practices to facilitate more active participation of newly emerging aid providing countries like India. Shri R.C.A Jain was speaking at a function here today on the occasion of the 28th World Food Day. He said that many of the multilateral agencies have protocols and over-heads which countries like India can ill-afford. The Agriculture Secretary said that India clearly foresees a steadily increasing role for itself in providing assistance for multi- pronged and multifarious strategies of providing adequate food. The country has agreements on co-operation in the field of agriculture with a number of countries from the African Continent. These agreements provide for technical and material assistance for development of agriculture in such countries . In countries like Senegal and Somalia, such interventions have contributed significantly to boosting agricultural production and endowing the local farming communities with the requisite self-confidence to feed their countrymen. India is also actively involved in FAO’s Programme of South-South Cooperation for food security and India’s Missions are in active service in countries like Eritrea and Mozambique under the aegis of the FAO for development of local agriculture.

The Agriculture Secretary also stressed the need to enlarge the scope of food security and hunger alleviation . Pointing out that improvement in the per capita availability of food has not resulted in commensurate improvement in the quality of life, he called for large scale interventions to put in place an efficient and equitable public distribution system and address the problem of water scarcity for human and cattle consumption. Shri R.C.A.Jain also called for putting more emphasis on some long term remedial measures as integral components of the fight against hunger . These include accelerated development of agriculture, evolution of location specific strategies of sustainable development particularly water management, over-all rural development and putting in place viable food safety nets.

Earlier, the Agriculture Secretary distributed awards and certificates to the winners of essay and elocution competitions held on the occasion of the World Food Day. Children from various Delhi Schools took part in these competitions. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Department of Food and Public Distribution and the Food and Nutrition Board brought out special issues of their magazines on the occasion. An exhibition was also organized to highlight various aspects relating to the World Food Day.

The function was organized by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Food and Agriculture Organisaion and Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. The theme of this year’s World Food Day is "International Alliance Against Hunger". The World Food Day is observed on the foundation day of the FAO. It seeks to focus attention on global food and nutritional security. According to the estimates of the FAO , out of more than 800 million under-nourished people in the world, 294 million are in South Asia. More than 51 per cent of the under nourished in the below 5 year age group belongs to this region.