16th October, 2003
Ministry of Defence  


The 7th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Meet of Heads of Defence Universities, Institutions and Colleges has begun in New Delhi. The three-day meet will discuss the role of the military in providing assistance to the civil administration during natural calamities. It will also discuss the role of UN peace keeping forces which have assumed greater prominence since the end of the cold war.

Inaugurating the International meet Lt Gen SS Chahal, Commandant National Defence College said that the security environment world over is rapidly changing with resultant fallouts in the Asia-Pacific region. He stressed the need to evolve a consensual and complementary approach to tackle issues of common concern and cope with the present day challenges. He called for synergising our actions and expressed the hope that the meet will contribute towards developing military to military relations among the member countries of ARF significantly.

Outlining that the natural disasters are not confined to national boundaries he emphasized the need to evolve a framework and contingency plan which should be based on anticipation, accurate forecasting, preventive measures and timely relief. He said that the fall out of natural disaster could be substantially reduced which mutual cooperation, sharing of experiences and technical expertise.

Lt Gen Chahal commended the role of UN peace keeping forces in different parts of the world. He said wherever aberrations have occurred we need to take note of them and draw lessons for the future.

The meet is being attended by 19 countries, which include 8 ASEAN members and 11 dialogue partners. The major participants are Australia, China, European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Myanmar. The ARF was formed in 1994 with a view to foster constructive dialogue and consultation on political and security issues of common concern. The forum also aims at making significant contributions towards instituting confidence building measures.

The 6th ARF Meet of heads of defence institutions was held at Moscow in September 2002. The current meet is being conducted by National Defence College, New Delhi.