9th October, 2003
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  




The 34th International Film Festival of India was inaugurated here today by the Deputy Prime Minister, Shri Lal Krishan Advani at an impressive function at Siri Fort Auditorium. Renowned actor Kamal Hassan was the Guest of Honour and actress Kareena Kapoor acted as the Thali Girl. The Information and Broadcasting Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad and Delhi Chief Minister Smt. Shiela Dixit, addressed the inaugural session.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Shri L. K. Advani assured the film industry that the Government would take all possible steps to check the menace of piracy, which is eating into the vitals of the industry. At the same time, he appealed to the film viewing public to contribute in this regard by not viewing the pirated films.

Shri Advani lauded the Indian cinema for extending the use of Hindi to almost all parts of India. He said like IT, India has got the potential of becoming a leader in the entertainment sector through the films. In many parts of the world even today India is recognized through its films, he said.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the world today is recognizing the worth of Indian cinema and in the fast globalising world entertainment also has to come out of the regional mode. If entertainment has to succeed in the world, it has to look to Asia and India is bound to occupy the pride of place.

Referring to the shifting of the festival to Goa from next year, Shri Prasad that the natural ambience of Goa would offer the vibrant symbol for branding Indian films. He said, festivals offer good networking and commerce for which the Film Bazaar, which was introduced last year, is offering great opportunities.

The Guest of Honour at the festival, noted actor Kamal Hassan thanked the Government for giving industry status to films but pleaded for expeditious financing. The 10-day festival is being attended by over 3000 delegates from 36 countries. In all 212 films would be screened in the Indian Panorama, Cinema of the World, Retrospectives, Country Focus and the Asian Competition Sections.

Eleven films from Asian Countries, two each from Iran, Sri Lanka and India and one each from China, Israel, Japan, Korea and Thailand would be vying for the Golden Peacock for the Best Film and Silver Peacock for the Best Promising Asian Director. Mr. Krzystof Zanussi would be the Chairperson of the Jury for the Competition Section.

Two special retrospectives of B. R. Chopra and K. S. Sethumadhvan’s films are being organized. Eleven-feature films directed/produced by these two famous directors would be shown.

Three seminars are being held on the topics (1) Shape of the films to come (2) The Hunt for Indian Films – Marketing Indian film products, and (3) Around the world in 90 minutes – Benefits of attending film festivals and markets. Open forums on topical issues would be conducted by the Federation of Film Societies of India.

For the Lifetime Achievement Award this year, famous actress Liv Ullmann has been selected by the Jury consisting of Shekhar Kapoor, Budhadev Dasgupta and Mani Ratnam.

Film Bazaar this year has attracted 24 entries and buyers from Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, Uzbekistan, England, Russia and some other countries and organizations have confirmed their participation.

Premier of three films are being held this year, including the inaugural film ‘Pinjar’. The other films are ‘Mian Maqbool’ and ‘Chokher Bali’.