27th November, 2003
Ministry of Environment & Forests  


The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment & Forests has viewed with concern reports of manufacturing of recombinant Streptokinase by M/s. Shanta Biotechnics Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and the trial of the same on patients in Hyderabad without the prior approval of the GEAC. GEAC requested Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to conduct a full inquiry into the incident and into the report of deaths of some patients. A final view on what action needs to be initiated against the erring company will be decided after getting all reports.

There was also a request from CARE to waive the condition of post marketing surveillance, which was imposed by GEAC in its 34th meeting held on November 7, 2002. While recommending the import of crude Degummed Soyabean Oil for a period of one year, GEAC had stipulated that a post marketing surveillance through ICDS programme managers should be carried out and results of the monitoring should be submitted for consideration of the GEAC after obtaining the views of Indian Council for Medical Research. At today’s meeting GEAC deferred a decision on the issue and decided to seek more information from CARE and the concerned government departments.

1. The GEAC which met under the Chairmanship of Ms. Meena Gupta, Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Environment & Forests, gave environmental clearance for import of several pharmaceutical products by various firms. The clearance is subject to other regulatory requirements existing in the country.

The GEAC deferred a decision on the application of M/s. Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Attur, Tamil Nadu, a sub licensee of the same Bt.cotton technology which was acquired by MAHYCO from Monsanto, USA, for seed production of transgenic cotton hybrids, namely, RCH-134 and RCH-138 in an area of 200 hectres for Kharif 2003 in the Northern region because of non-availability of basic data. Similarly, GEAC deferred any decision to undertake seed production of 7 transgenic cotton hybrid seed in 127 hectres by MAHYCO, Mumbai. The hybrids are Bt.MRC-6301, Bt.MRC-6160, Bt.MRC-6304, Bt.MRC-6703, Bt.MRC-6322, Bt.MRC-6918, and Bt.MRC-6928.

The GEAC also deferred a decision on the proposal for import and marketing of Recombinant Bovine Somatrotropin from L.G. Chemicals, Korea pending further information from the Department of Animal Husbandry and IVRI.