23rd November, 2003
Ministry of Law & Justice  



The Chief Justice of India, Mr. Justice V.N. Khare, today launched the website of Delhi District Courts. It covers the Courts of District Judge, Additional District and Sessions Judge, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Metropolitan Magistrate located in Tis Hazari, Karkardooma and Patiala House District Court complexes. The computerisation project, funded by the Department of Justice of the Ministry of Law & Justice and implemented by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), was completed in a record time of over one year at the cost of Rs 4.98 crore. In addition to the Chief Justice of India, the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, Mr. Justice B.C. Patel; Mr. Justice Madan B. Lokur, who was the project coordinator; Shri N. Vijayaditya, Director General of NIC; and the District Judge, Shri J.P. Singh spoke on the occasion.

The Delhi District Courts are the first city Courts to be computerized. The city Courts in Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata are also being computerized. The website address of the Delhi District Courts is http://www.delhidistrictcourts.nic.in .

The primary aim of the project is to alleviate the hardships faced by the litigants and reducing procedural problems. The computer system will provide facilities to the litigant public to access case-related information easily. It will also bring transparency in various application areas and assist the judicial administration in faster disposal of cases. In addition, it will make available access to legal and judicial database to the Judges. Firewall security has been provided in the system so as to prevent outsiders from accessing the data illegally.

When a case is filed at the Filing Counter, the computer system can automatically post the case to a Judge, based on the existing procedure or the District Judge can manually post the case to any Court using the computer facility. It will automatically register the case and produce a receipt to the litigant/Advocate giving details such as diary no., parties involved and the Court to which it has been posted. At the end of the day, the computer will generate a list of cases filed on that day. As the entire Court complex has been networked, information that has public relevance, such as case status, judgments, orders/proceedings, file tracing information, cause lists and notices, will be provided at the Facilitation Centre of each Court complex. Some of these facilities will also be made available on the Internet for the benefit of wide range of users.

Any order/judgment from any Courtroom will automatically be available on the main system. The computer system at the Filing Centre will be used for generation of printouts of the orders/judgments for the litigants. Copies of the orders will be digitally signed using the digital signature of an Officer specially designated for the purpose. These digitally signed orders can be used as certified copies.

The pending cases information will be available on the Internet. Information relating to pending cases will also be made available on the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, which will enable litigants to find out the status of their cases through telephone. As an option, routine communication from the Registry of District Courts to the desired litigants and Advocates will be made through E-mails.

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