17th November, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


Reports of accelerated sowing of rabi crops continue to come in. Wheat is a major rabi cereal with a normal area of about 264 lakh hectares which is about 55% of the area under Rabi foodgrains. Wheat sowing gains momentum with the average temperature descending to 25oC. Major wheat growing States in the country are Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh, Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Bihar with normal area of 91, 38,34,24,23 and 21 lakh hectares respectively. Wheat sowing has commenced and area coverage reported so far is 30.1 lakh hectares against 22.6 lakh hectares covered last year in the corresponding period.

Normal area under Rabi Rice is about 42 lakh hectares. West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh account for two thirds of the area and it is mostly irrigated. The area coverage reported so far is 1.3 lakh hectares against 1.1 lakh hectares during the corresponding period last year.

Area reported so far under Rabi Coarse Cereals is 49 lakh hectares against 45.8 lakh hectares in the corresponding period last year. Jowar is the major Rabi coarse cereal.The area coverage of Jowar reported so far is 43.4 lakh hectares as compared to 40.5 lakh hectares during the corresponding period last year.

As on the fourteenth of this month, total water storage in the 71 important reservoirs monitored by the Central Water Commission was about 59% of the full reservoir level of 131.28 billion cubic meters. This is 121% of the last year’s level and 81% of last 10 years’ average. There are 26 project having storage of more than 80%. 10 projects have storage between 50% and 80% of the designed live storage, 19 between 30% and 50% and the remaining 16 projects up to 30% of the designed live storage.