17th November, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


Indian Railways have embarked upon a Safety Plan to achieve reduction in rate of accidents per million train kilometres from the present level of 0.44 to 0.17 by the year 2013, implement measures to reduce chances of passenger fatality substantially in consequential train accidents and focus on development of manpower through major improvements in working environment and training to reduce the accidents attributable to human failure by 40 per cent.

Other aspects of the Safety Plan seek to achieve safety culture on all fronts including maintenance depots, worksites, stations and controls, achieve an environment of "Fail-proof" from the present "Fail-safe" system of asset failures by upgrading the systems, prioritise safety related projects and implement accepted recommendations of Justice Khanna Railway Safety Review Committee at an accelerated pace.

Safety will take priority over other considerations to achieve the Safety Plan. Besides, responsibilities would be assigned clearly, every railway zone would introduce clear safety management plan and bring about quality changes in the human resource development.