14th November, 2003
Prime Minister's Office  


Following is the text of the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s remarks at the joint press interaction along with the President of Tajikistan at Dushanbe, Tajikistan today

"I thank the President for his warm words. I also thank the President and his Government for the warm reception and the gracious hospitality extended to our delegation.

We have just completed a wide-ranging discussion on our bilateral relations and the regional situation in a free and cordial atmosphere, as befitting a meeting between friends.

Ours is an ancient relationship, rooted in our historical traditions, common cultural inheritance and in geography. Our relationship in the present day is built on a shared commitment to democracy, secularism and the rule of law. We have common concerns in our region.

In the past few years, we have worked to raise our relationship to a new level. During President Rakhmonov’s visit to India two years ago, we signed a Joint Declaration on the principles of our mutual relations. The Joint Declaration we have signed today sets out the goals of our partnership in the coming years.

Our Governments are making efforts to promote people-to-people ties. We are happy that Tajikistan has opened its Embassy in Delhi last month. We have also recently established an Indian cultural center here. Air services between Delhi and Dushanbe have begun earlier this year. We have now offered Tajik Airlines the additional freedom to link Dushanbe and Kabul with Delhi, if the Afghanistan government agrees.

President Rakhmonov and I have agreed that the rapid development of our political relations must be matched by an equally vibrant economic partnership.

Trade can be raised to much higher levels. The "Made in India" exhibition, which the President and I will be visiting, should increase awareness of the possibilities.

India will be offering all the products at the exhibition to the Government of Tajikistan. We would like to see a similar promotion of Tajik goods in India. India will extend assistance to the Tajik Chambers of Commerce to organize an exhibition of products from Tajikistan in India next year.

We have offered our Tajik friends an economic cooperation package worth about forty million dollars.

This includes waiving repayment of an outstanding Credit Line of five million dollars along with accumulated interest. It also includes a fresh grant of five million dollars, and a Credit Line of twenty five million dollars. Both the grant and the credit line can be used to implement mutually-agreed industrial and infrastructural projects.

We have also offered to extend assistance to the Military Training College in Dushanbe, for its infrastructure requirements.

We are cooperating well in the field of defence training. We have agreed to institutionalize contact between our armed forces in specialized areas.

My visit to Tajikistan is the first by an Indian Prime Minister since we established diplomatic relations. To continue developing our relations at this pace, we have agreed to maintain the frequency of interaction at all levels.

I have invited President Rakhmonov to India. We look forward to receiving him in New Delhi."