13th November, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  


Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, has said that efforts should be made so that country attains position of leadership in the area of commercial exploitation of gas hydrates on the lines of India’s standing in the information technology. Shri Naik was speaking here today at the 55th meeting of the Petroleum Ministry’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Hydrocarbons. Underlining the great potential of gas hydrates in the Indian off-shore, particularly around Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Shri Naik called upon the Committee to deliberate and suggest measures for development of gas hydrates in the country. He suggested that the present decade should be observed as "Gas Hydrates Decade" in view of its significant potentials for meeting country’s hydrocarbon needs.

Posing another challenge to the Scientists and Technologists to find solution to the problem of plastic wastes, Shri Ram Naik called for utilising plastic waste for conversion into value-added petroleum products. This has the potential to benefit and has become a challenge to the whole world as plastic waste is causing immense harm to the environment. Asking the Scientific community to take it as a challenge, the Minister informed that IOC R&D Centre has already done good work in this regard by promoting the research of Dr. Alka Zadgaonkar of Nagpur and is in the process of setting up a Pilot Project. He further emphasised that the Committee should deliberate and advise on issues and challenges which are confronting the hydrocarbon sector when our economy is leaping ahead to become the third largest economy of the world. The biggest challenge before the country is to find more oil and gas for self-sufficiency and oil security as we imported 69 per cent of our requirement of 115 million tonnes at a huge cost of Rs. 84,400 crore during 2002-03.

Speaking on the occasion, Petroleum Secretary Shri B.K. Chaturvedi called upon the Committee to find ways and means through their research and studies for cost reduction in producing fuels matching Euro-III & IV norms. This quality of fuels would require huge investment in refineries, therefore, a reduction of about 20 per cent would bring substantial benefit to the oil sector. He also pointed out that the Government is working on the possibility of gas-to-liquid projects as the potential of significant availability of gas appears on horizon.

Prof. M.M. Sharma who chaired the Committee since 1981 (inception) to 2001, barring a three years period, was felicitated on the occasion. In between from 1990-93, another luminary of hydrocarbon industry late Shri Lovraj Kumar headed the Committee. The Committee is presently being chaired by Dr. R.A. Mashelkar who is one of the most renowned scientists in the country. For the first time, Shri Naik informed the Committee has a member from the private sector in Dr. Sumit Bahaduri, Head R&D of Reliance Industries. The Committee provided expert guidance for establishing and modernisation of several Research Centres in the country. It laid emphasis on development of indigenous technologies which resulted in development and commercialisation of several technologies. These include aromatic extraction, production of food grade hexane, production of lube oil base stocks, etc.