13th November, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme has made rapid progress with the banking system issuing more than 337.88 lakh cards up to 31.8.2003. The details of the cards issued by cooperative banks, commercial banks and regional banks up to 31st August, 2003 are given below:

Cards issued Amount Sanctioned

(No.in crores) ( Rs. in crores)

Cooperative Banks 2.08 48982.51

Regional Rural Banks 0.29 8440.07

Commercial Banks 0.99 25309.99

Total 3.37 82732.58

The Kisan Credit Card Scheme was launched in 1998-99 to provide adequate and timely support from the banking system to farmers for their cultivation needs including all purchases in a flexible and cost effective manner

The performance under the scheme during the first year was minimal and the scheme actually picked up during 1999-2000. The year-wise details from 1999-2000 to 2002-2003 are given below:

Year KCC issued Loan sanctioned

(in lakhs) ( Rs. in crores)

1999-2000 51.35 7,548

2000-2001 86.52 16,427

2001-2002 93.40 25,858

2002-2003 76.10 24581.56

The personal insurance package to cover the KCC holders against accidental death or permanent disability up to a maximum amount of Rs.50,000 and Rs.25,000 respectively was also operationalised during 2001-2002.