11th November, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


New Delhi is holding 6th International Abilympics during this month.. The week-long event would be held from November 23rd to November 30th 2003 at the Indira Gandhi Indore Stadium where participants will compete for honours in 45 events under four categories.

Coined from the words Ability and Olympics-Abilympics offers an opportunity to persons with disabilities to demonstrate the excellence of their vocational skills. The novelty of the event lies in the fact that ability is the focus of the event rather than disability. Featuring participation of more than 3,000 contestants from over 50 countries, the Abilympics will highlight the importance of education and vocational training for the disabled. It will provide an ideal platform for the participants to get an exposure of the latest technology in job oriented skills which, in turn, helps in their inclusion into the main stream of society. Supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of Delhi, various organisations and NGOs, the 6th International Abilympics will be a multi- sectoral effort.

The preparation for the international event began way back in 2001 with the setting up of National Abilympics Association of India. Soon Regional Abilympics were held in the Four Zone in October-November, 2001 leading to the Organization of National Abilympics in November, 2002 to select participants for the International event. .

International Abilympics is held in every four years. The first International Abilympics was held in Japan in 1981, coinciding with the United Nations International Year of the Disabled. The Second, third and fourth Abilympics were held in Colombia, Hong Kong and Australia. It was at the fifth Abilympics held in Czech Republic that Abilympics came to be widely known in India with its small contingent of 14 participants taking away maximum number of prizes. It set the balling rolling for holding the mega event in India.

Also known as a Celebration of Abilities, Abilympics have been described as heroic as the Olympics, more uplifting than the Oscars and as soul-stirring as any other event on the earth. It is a platform to demonstrate the imagination, resolve, passion and excellence in the creative abilities of the persons with disabilities. The President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has in a message said that "the Abilympics …underscore the fact that given an opportunity, the disabled are more than capable of participating in national development as equal partners". Wishing all success in this noble venture, the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has said, "the disabled in any society deserve our respect and not our pity or charity. They are entitled to their own space. Empowering persons with disability, by vocational training for rehabilitation, is a laudable endeavour as it will help raise their self-esteem and bring about their inclusion in the social mainstream".