6th November, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


The High Powered Study Committee constituted by the National Commission of Minorities has said that the religious freedom has the recognition of the nation and serving it by all citizens will prevent India from becoming totalitarian. In its Second Part of the Report to the Central Government the Committee has in one of its recommendation said:

" We finally recommend to all the citizens of the country that the religious freedom has the recognition by the Nation of the moral foundation of its political, economic and social life that is, of a transcendent law of Justice which all the citizens of our nation should serve. Because this is the only path by walking on which, the citizen of India will be able to prevent India from becoming, totalitarian, the only possible basis on which democracy itself will be checked from becoming the tyranny of the majority".

The High Powered Study Committee was constituted by the National Commission of Minorities in 1996 under the chairmanship of one of its Members, Shri James Massey. The Committee has since submitted its Report to the government. It will be laid on the table of both Houses of Parliament along with the Action Taken Report.