5th November, 2003
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers  


The Five-day World Mining Congress ended in New Delhi today. Presiding over the Valedictory Session Shri K.C.Pant, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission called upon the mining industry to adequately discharges its social responsibility. It is best that this be done by encouraging the mining industry to self-regulate. The control and mitigation of the environmental impact, the integration of mine development and mine closure, and promotion of continuous improvement of health and safety are some dimensions of such self-regulation. Sustainability of mining requires that all mining activities, from exploration through mining to mine closure, are conducted in a manner that is environmentally, socially and economically acceptable.

Emphasizing on the need of sustainable and profitable Mining development Shri pant stressed upon the importance of improved environmental stewardship and the infrastructure. Shri Pant cautioned the Congress and said there will come a time in the future when the known reserves will be inadequate to meet the demand. He, therefore, suggested that it was incumbent upon us to devise strategies which would make the process more orderly. International cooperation in ensuring that demand-supply gaps are minimized appears to be essential, however, care has to be taken to ensure that the burden of such adjustment does not fall on those countries which can least afford it, he said.

Chief Guest, Minister of State for Coal Shri Prahlad Singh Patel called upon the Mining Committee to evolve safe, pollution free and precision mining. He hoped that the ideas and suggestions given in the Congress will crystallize for the benefit of mining community and mankind at large. He expressed confidence that the wide diversity of topics discussed in the Congress will definitely chart the direction for growth of the global mining industries for the 21st century.

The Congress during the course of five-days discussions evolved a declaration that the mining industry performances in production, productivity safety, health and environment need to be continuously developed. Investment in mineral exploration needs to be significantly increased. The technology upgradation for seeing through the upper 1 km of the earth's crust will hopefully lead to the discovery and subsequent exploitation of major mineral deposits.

Among the other important declarations the Congress adopted was that the mining industry must integrate the basic tanets of sustainable development within its corporate decision-making process and seek continuous improvements in the social, economical and institutional development of the mining communities.