5th November, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



The Government proposes to take up the Farm Income Insurance Programme (FIIP) on a pilot basis during the Rabi 2003-04 season. The pilot project will be taken up in 23 districts of 18 States for wheat and rice. This was stated by the Agriculture Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh while addressing a meeting of the Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here today. He said that based on the outcome of the pilot project, it is proposed to fine-tune the Programme and launch it from Kharif 2004. The Programme as well as the pilot project would be implemented by the Agriculture Insurance Company of India. The Farm Income Insurance Programme would target two critical components of the farmer’s income namely yield and price through a single policy instrument. The existing National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) which came into effect from Rabi 1999-2000 provides relief in the case of yield fluctuations only. The Farm Income Insurance Programme has been conceived to provide income protection to farmers by integrating the mechanism of insuring production as well as market risks. Besides protecting farm incomes , the Programme aims at ensuring sustainable production in the agriculture sector, food and livelihood security, crop diversification and enhanced competitiveness of the agriculture sector in the context of exports.

Under the proposed Programme, a farmer’s production and price risk for the crop produced by him would be protected by ensuring the minimum guaranteed income. If the actual income falls short of the guaranteed income, the farmer would be eligible for a compensation to the extent of indemnity from the Agricultural Insurance Company. An area approach as in the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme would be used for actual yield and price measurement of the insured crop. A premium subsidy of 75% is proposed to be given in case of small and marginal farmers and 50% for other farmers. The programme would be available to all the States and would be compulsory for farmers availing seasonal agricultural operations loans from financial institutions and optional for non-loanee farmers. The NAIS will be withdrawn for the crops covered by the FIIP, but would continue to be applicable for other crops.

Participating in the discussions, members welcomed the proposed Programme. Some members stressed the need to include more crops under the Programme and ensure that small and marginal farmers get its maximum benefit. Those who took part in today’s meeting included S/shri Chunni Lal Bhau Thakur, Mahboob Zahedi, Rattan Lal Kataria, K.Sreenivasalu, Devendra Singh Yadav, Ram Murti Singh Verma, Chaoba Singh and Mahendra Singh Pal from the Lok Sabha and S/shri Ramendra Kumar Yadav ‘Ravi’, M.J.Varkey Mattathil and V.V.Raghavan from the Rajya Sabha.