4th November, 2003
Ministry of Civil Aviation  




The Airports Authority of India has launched a ‘National Airports Upkeep Initiative’ in 24 identified airports to improve passenger facilities and ambience of airports at a cost of Rs.63 crore. This is part of the new initiatives taken to make the aviation sector passenger friendly. This was stated by the Minister for Civil Aviation Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy while addressing the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here today. He said, as a part of the strategy the secondary security check at ladder point has been dispensed with at 15 airports. He said ladder point check will be resorted to only as and when directed by the BCAS under situations like high alert, operational requirements etc. The Minister said touch free pre-embarkation security check system has been initiated at all the airports in the country. He said, restrictions on ground photography in the terminal building of Civil Aerodromes have been removed and use of mobile telephones inside the aircrafts has been permitted when the aircraft is on ground with passenger door open except when certain activities like aircraft fuelling are in progress.

Shri Rudy said, contingency plans in respect of civil airports in the country are being revised. The Government is actively processing new Civil Aviation Security Act/Rules to strengthen aviation security in the country on ICAO guidelines. Provision to handle cases like Purulia Arms dropping and appropriate punitive measures against hoax callers have been suggested in the proposed new legislation.

Shri Rudy said, Air India and Indian Airlines are slowly recovering from the after effects of Iraq War and SARS. During the first quarter of the current year, Indian Airlines has reduced its losses by over 20 percent over the budget estimates i.e. from Rs.58.02 crore to Rs.44.65 crore. This has been possible through an aggressive marketing strategy coupled with a slew of promotion and marketing initiatives. Air India has formed a subsidiary company named ‘Air India Air Transport Services Limited’ for taking over the entire ground handling activities of Air India. He said, the objective is to offer competitive rates by improving the present level of revenues.

The Minister said a working group constituted by the Ministry has finalized a draft Concession Agreement for Bangalore International Airport which is envisaged as a model for other greenfield airports in future. He said that a formal shareholders agreement has also been entered into for the Hyderabad International Airport at Shamshabad by the Joint Venture partner, AAI and the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Participating in the discussion members made a strong plea for allowing Alliance Air to go for leased aircraft. They said, the fleet of Alliance Air is old and needs immediate strengthening. They said, while Indian Airlines and Air India are going for leased route to augment their fleet, the same benefit should be extended to the Alliance Air. Members also demanded that Pilots should be kept out of the Industrial Disputes Act 1949. They said while Pilots are heavily paid, they continue to get the benefit of the Act. Members were of the opinion that a survey should be conducted to find out the potential for helicopter service in the country and Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd. should extend its service to holy and tourist places having a potential for such service. Members also felt that Pawan Hans has been in the use of Government and public sector undertakings and it is time it should explore the market in the private sector.

Members of Parliament who attended today’s meeting are Shri Tarlochan Singh Tur, Shri Tarit Beran Topdar, Shri Ratilal K. Verma, Shri Paban Singh Ghatowar, Shri M.V.V.S Murthi, Dr. Madan Prasad Jaiswal and Smt. Jayaben Thakkar from the Lok Sabha and Shri Santosh Bagrodia, Shri N. Jothi, Shri Praful Patel and Shri Rajeev Shukla from the Rajya Sabha.