27th March, 2003
Ministry of Textiles  



A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the year 2003-2004 was signed here today between the Ministry of Textiles and the National Handloom Development Corporation Limited (NHDC), a Government of India Enterprise. Shri S. B. Mohapatra, Secretary (Textiles) and Shri V. K. Goyal, Managing Director, National Handloom Development Corporation Limited signed on behalf of Government of India and NHDC respectively. Also present on the occasion were Ms. Kasturi Gupta Menon, Development Commissioner for Handlooms and other Senior Officers of Ministry of Textiles and NHDC.

The signed MoU focuses on the Operations of the Corporation for enhancing the activity levels & delivery systems for supply of raw materials like yarn, dyes and chemicals, contributing to the growth of infrastructure and appropriate technology, creating marketing opportunities for higher output, playing a pro-active role for the benefit of the sector and routing Central Government funds/loans and grants to handloom organisations. The corporation has proposed supply of 280 lakh Kgs valuing Rs. 24,000 lakh of yarn for the year 2003-2004. The Scheme of Supply of Yarn at Mill Gate Price has been approved to be implemented throughout the X Plan period with the Corporation as the Nodal Agency. The target for supplies of dyes and chemicals, another important input, has been kept as 11 lakh Kgs valuing Rs. 1950 lakh for the year 2003-2004.

NHDC’s thrust will be to reach handloom weavers through the cluster approach besides utilising the existing channel of State Handloom Corporations and Apex Bodies. The Corporation continues to extend increasing support in North Eastern States and J&K as well as the hill regions.

NHDC also has been arranging plain reel hank cotton yarn net of CENVAT for the benefit of handloom weavers.

NHDC will be organising Technical Exhibitions and other publicity campaigns for the benefit of handloom weavers besides organising the SILKFAB exhibition during 2003-2004.

NHDC’s past track record has been quite satisfactory and it is paying dividends for the last six years, since 1996-97 consistently. It proposes to develop an effective mechanism for customer satisfaction during the year 2003-04, besides going in for Process & Progress Bench Marking.