24th March, 2003
Ministry of Human Resource Development  



An International Conference on Indian Philosophy, Science and Culture will be held here from 29th March to 1st April 2003. About 500 scholars and experts on various subjects from all over India as well as from Asia, Africa, Europe and North America will participate in it.

Professor Murli Manohar Joshi, Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Science & Technology and Ocean Development will inaugurate the Conference on March 29, 2003. Shri Jagmohan, Union Minister of Tourism and Culture will be the Chief Guest of the Valedictory Session on 1st April, 2003.

The main agenda of the Conference is to focus on the ongoing Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture (PHISPC), a gigantic venture to publish 77 volumes on India’s history from the dawn of civilization to the present day. The focus is not on political history but on unfolding of the soul of the nation. The books cover India’s achievements through the ages in all branches of human activities and knowledge — philosophy and religion, art and literature, economics and other social studies, science and technology, metallurgy and agriculture, mathematics and astronomy, chemistry and life sciences as well as India’s interactions with the other contemporary civilizations in Asia, Africa, and Europe. The theme of the forthcoming Conference is, therefore, central to India’s discovery, rediscovery and to her future.

Conceived in the 1980s and sanctioned by the Central Government in 1992, the first publications under PHISPC could be brought out only in 1995. So far 27 Volumes have been published. The Project is scheduled to be completed by the year 2009-10. The Government of India has earmarked a total amount of Rs.22.75 crores over successive Five Year Plan periods for the Project.

It is felt that the present moment marks an important juncture when this Project can be highlighted through an International Conference so that it can be brought to the notice of scholars and others who are devoted to the study of Indian culture in its various aspects. It is also felt that an International Conference could provide an opportunity to scientists, philosophers, and leaders of culture in our country and the world to exchange their views and to stimulate further research in the concerned areas. This will also give a fresh impetus to the research that is being conducted at present for the production of the forthcoming volumes. The Conference will also provide to the participating scholars a firsthand opportunity to discuss with the general editors of various volumes as also contributors who have participated and who are going to participate in the production of the volumes of the Project.

Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) is organising the international conference but the Project is inter-disciplinary in nature, a large number of Government Departments and autonomous Councils under the Ministries of Human Resource Development, Science and Technology, Tourism and Culture etc., as well as some other Government departments, Universities and Institutions of research and learning, are co-sponsoring this major conference along with ICPR.

The Conference is divided into 7 Theme Sessions each with two theme presentations, 3 Lecture Sessions with single theme presentation and 4 Open Sessions where a group of panellist will discuss a single theme. All the sessions will be plenary so that all the delegates can participate in all the sessions. All Theme Sessions have been allotted an hour and a quarter time for questions and answers in order to make these sessions interactive for all the participants.