21st June, 2003
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


Shri Sharad Yadav, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution underlined the need for passing the benefits of economic growth to the betterment and development of society. Inaugurating the first state conference on social justice organised by the Advocates Forum for Social Justice -Tamil Nadu, at Chennai today the Minister said that "many of the problems with which India started her journey of planning and development continue to grow unabatedly".

The Minister expressed concern over the sufferings of the weaker sections viz. the category of other backward classes and said that there was an imperative need for correcting the imbalance and ensuring social justice to all. The quantum of reservation for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes must be so revised as to conform to the increase in their population. The reservations in favour of the other backward classes should be extended to the judiciary also. Many states have already provided for reservation in selective positions in Panchayati Raj bodies for the category of other backward classes, the minister pointed out.

Shri Yadav commended the pioneering role of Tamil Nadu in instituting reservation in government jobs to the weaker sections and disadvantaged sections of society. In fact, reservation policy would have to cover the private sector as well, and in all decisions relating to private sector, a provision to continue reservation of jobs to the disadvantaged must be inserted, he added.


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