16th June, 2003
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports  


A news item has been published in the media dated June 16, 2003 mentioning that some wrestlers who were medal winners in the Commonwealth Games, 2002 have returned the prize money given to them by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports under the scheme of Special Awards to Winners in International Sports Events and their Coaches on the ground that the award money is being given in accordance with the existing rates of the scheme and not according to the revised rates announced by the then Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports.

This is to clarify that the scheme of Special Awards to Winners in International Sports Events and their Coaches is being revised to enhance the rates of the cash awards in pursuance of the announcement made by the then Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports. Since the scheme is yet to be revised, cheques to medal winners have been made out at the existing rates. To avoid the expiry of the validity of the cheques by 30.6.2003, the cheques are being given to the medal winners of the year 2002. After the revision of the scheme, the balance amount will be paid to the medal winners of the year 2002 in an award ceremony to be held in Delhi this year. Along with the cheques, a letter is also being sent to the medal winners explaining the above facts.

The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports stands by its commitment earlier made for enhancement of the rates of awards. As soon as the scheme is revised in an EFC meeting to be held shortly, prize money will be given according to the revised rates to the medal winners of 2002.

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