13th June, 2003
Ministry of Mines  


The National Mineral Policy recognized the concern and directed that no mining lease would be granted to any party, private or public, without a proper mining plan including an environment management plan, approved and enforced by statutory authorities. In accordance with the policy, the mining law provides that all mining operations should be done in accordance with mining plans. The mining plan specifies the details of geology of the area, a plan of the area showing the natural water courses, limits of reserves and other forest areas, assessment of impact of mining activity on forest, land surface and the environment including in terms of air and water pollution, details of the scheme of restoration of the area by afforestation, land reclamation and use of pollution control devices.

The Central Government enacted the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988, which has prescribed detailed rules regarding the scheme of prospecting, mining plans and measures to be taken for the protection of the environment. The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) enforces these Rules and in case of serious default it is empowered to close down a mine. The Ministry of Mines and the Ministry of Environment and Forests hold regular interaction meetings with the mining industry and much of the procedural simplifications and awareness building has come about through this constructive approach.