12th June, 2003
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation  



National political parties:

(i) The National Political parties, which have been recognized as such by the Election Commission of India, would be allowed to retain/secure allotment of one housing unit from General Pool in Delhi for their office use on payment of licence fee.

The said accommodation will be provided for a period of three years during which the party would acquire a plot of land in an institutional area and will construct its own accommodation for party office.

(ii) One residential accommodation would be allotted/allowed to be retained by the party President of recognized national party in case the president does not have a house in Delhi, either of his own or allotted by Government in any other capacity.

State Level Political Parties:

The facility of office accommodation will also be given to the state level parties recognized by the Election Commission of India provided it has, in the opinion of the Accommodation Committee of Cabinet, adequate representation in Parliament and its case for allotment is approved by the CCA on its merit. The said accommodation will be provided to the State Level Party as long as it is recognized by the Election Commission of India and has adequate representation in the Parliament as decided by the CCA.

Only those recognized State level parties that have a strength of 7 members in both Houses of the Parliament would be eligible for allotment of accommodation for their party office. Such accommodation may be provided in Vithalbhai Patel House (V.P. House) only. One double suite accommodation in V.P. House may be allotted to the recognized State level party.

Staff of the Parliamentary parties in both the Houses of Parliament:

(i) Eight single room suites would be allotted/allowed to be retained by those parliamentary parties whose strength in Parliament is above 200.

(ii) Six single room suites or two double room suites & two single room suites would be considered for retention/allotment of those parliamentary Parties whose strength in parliament is 200 or less but not less than 150 members.

(iii) Those parties, which have less than 150 members in Parliament but not less than 50 members, will be entitled to 2 single room suits in the V.P. House.