2nd June, 2003
Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs  


Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) has issued first Exposure Draft on the proposed Government Accounting Standard on "Guarantees given by Governments". The draft specifies the extent and nature of disclosures to be made in the financial statements in regard to Guarantees by governments. The draft has adopted the view that ‘letter of comfort’ issued by the Government may be treated as good as implicit guarantee. However, contingent liabilities arising from social benefits are excluded from the present preview.

This standard becomes effective in respect of financial statements prepared and presented on or after April 1, 2003.

The release of this Exposure Draft therefore marks the beginning of an endeavour to establish standards of governmental accounting and financial reporting that will foster improvement of the accounting systems and effective internal controls and result in useful information for users of financial reports. The objective of the proposed Government Accounting Standard on guarantees is to provide uniform and complete disclosure of guarantees given by Governments in their financial statements. The matter of guarantees given by Governments has been identified in view of its importance so far as contingent liabilities of Governments are concerned as reflected in various national and international fora.

The Exposure Draft is available on the web site: http://www.cagindia.org. Comments, if any, on the Exposure Draft may be submitted in writing within 45 days of its issue to the Member-Secretary (GASAB), GASAB Secretariat, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002. These could also be forward to ddgasab@cag.delhi.nic.in.