30th July, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


There has been about sixty percent increase in allocation of funds by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to NGOs under the scheme called "An Integrated Programme for street children" during the last three years. The allocation increased from Rs. 7.26 crore in 2000-01 to Rs. 11 crore in 2002-03. During 20001-02, the allocation was Rs.8.05 crore. The purpose of the scheme is to prevent destitution among children and to facilitate their withdrawal from a life on streets as well as placement into national mainstream. Under the scheme financial assistance to the extent of 90% of approved budget is given to NGO for providing shelter, nutrition, health care, education, vocational training and recreation facilities to these children. The funds released by the Ministry are utilized by the grantee NGOs as per the norms of the Scheme. Unspent balance, if any, is adjusted with the grant for the subsequent year.

The Ministry also operates another Scheme known as "General Grant-in-aid Programmes for Assistance in the field of Social Defence". Under it funds are provided to voluntary organisations for education and training of destitute children. Over Rs. 3.72 crore were released to various voluntary organisations during the last three years.

The performance of the grantee NGOs has by and large been satisfactory. However, some instances have come to the notice of the Ministry where as a result of inspection/ evaluation, it was found that the performance of a grantee NGO in running the sanctioned project was not as per the stipulated norms and standards. As such, five NGOs under "An Integrated Programme for street children" Scheme were blacklisted since 2000-01. They include three from Andhra Pradesh and one each from Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. Similarly four NGOs, three from Uttar Pradesh and one from Andhra Pradesh were blacklisted under "General Grant-in-aid programme for Assistance in the field of Social Defence".