25th July, 2003
Ministry of Steel  



A proposal to enact "Buy Indian Act" is under consideration of the Government. The proposal was mooted when the domestic industry was passing through a severe crisis caused by low price and poor demand. The situation has shown improvement since January 2002 with the price of steel products on an increase and a fair amount of stability achieved.

Salient features of the proposed legislation are:-

(1) Every public work or industry established or run with the aid or assistance of public funds shall procure its requirement of iron and steel material from indigenous manufacturers unless use of such material is to be made outside India, to be contrary to public interest or detrimental to the project and not available indigenously in specified quality or within the required delivery schedule.

(2) Every contract for construction, modification, modernisation, installation, alteration or repairs of any public works or industrial establishment, which is being undertaken with assistance from the public fund should contain a provision that for the performance and execution of the job, the person responsible shall use only such un-manufactured or manufactured iron and steel material which have been mined, produced or manufactured within the country unless it is impracticable for successful completion of the work.

(3) Every person undertaking execution of any contract or work or job requiring procurement of iron and steel material from sources outside the provision of the Act shall furnish a declaration in the prescribed format to the head of the department/organisation/agency/contractor. The Authority to whom such declaration is submitted, shall examine the same and if found essential for the completion or execution of the work, forward the same to the Secretary of the concerned Department of Government of India with recommendation/comments for clearance.

This information was given by the Minister for Steel Shri Braja Kishore Tripathy in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.