10th July, 2003
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


The Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has said Indian media has great responsibility to inform and educate the masses on our march to development importance, level and quality of reforms. He said, though relating ourselves to global happenings and situations is important so that we do not lag behind, the media must not lose sight of upholding our ethos, cultural and moral values and traditions.

Shri Prasad was inaugurating a seminar on "Reflection of India in Indian Media" organized by the Programme Staff Association of All India Radio & Doordarshan here today. He said media must concentrate on keeping the focus on real issues rather than giving undue importance to trivial issues. The mediapersons have to introspect to re-assert their important role in contemporary situation, he said.

The CEO, Prasar Bharati Shri K. S. Sarma said that Prasar Bharati is vigorously pursuing its mandate to inform, educate and entertain the masses. But he said that though both AIR and Doordarshan have enhanced their revenue generation capacity but they require more funds from the Government for content creation. He said, Rs. 15 crore for AIR and Rs. 125 crore for Doordarshan for content creation is not at all adequate. Shri Sarma also pointed out woeful shortage of the staff in both AIR and Doordarshan whereas their operations have increased manifold during the last few years. Shri Sarma said the establishment of five marketing divisions by Prasar Bharati has given a tremendous boost to the revenue generation effort.