31st January, 2003
Ministry of Law & Justice  


The Government has set in motion the process of filling up of vacancies in the Supreme Court and High Courts expeditiously. At present, there are one vacancy in the Supreme Court and 95 vacancies of judges in the High Courts. The total strength of judges of the Supreme Court is 26 and all the 21 High Courts 647.

Of the 95 vacancies of judges in the High Courts, 66 recommendations have been received and are in the process. These vacancies will be filled up very soon. The Government is awaiting recommendations for the remaining 29 vacancies of judges of High Courts. In this connection, the Chief Justices of High Courts and Chief Ministers concerned have been requested to send in recommendations quickly to enable the Government to fill all the vacancies by the end of March 2003 to ensure nil vacancy of judges from April 1, 2003 and thereafter the vacancies would be filled up as and when they arise.

During the year 2002, 48 vacancies of judges arose in the High Courts. A total of 89 appointments were made, recording a significant improvement in filing up vacancies of judges in the High Courts. This is all the more significant when viewed in the context of the judicial appointments being initiated by the Chief Justices of the High Courts and the Chief Justice of India.

The year 2002 also witnessed appointment of 35 Additional Judges as permanent judges of High Courts. In addition, eight Chief Justices of High Courts were also appointed.