17th January, 2003
Ministry of Steel  


Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL), a public sector undertaking of the Steel Ministry has recorded a net profit of Rs. 61.14 crore during the period April to December 2002 as against Rs. 53 crore during the same period last year. The net profit before tax including the refund of export duty during the period was Rs. 82.09 crore as against Rs. 63.59 crore during the corresponding period of the previous year. During this period the cash profit also increased from Rs. 105 crore to Rs. 120 crore.

During these nine months the company sold iron ore concentrate worth Rs. 119 crore and pellets worth Rs. 380 crore in place of Rs. 162 crore and Rs. 356 crore respectively during the same period last year. KIOCL produced 37 lakh tonnes of concentrate and 24.3 lakh tonnes of pelletes during April to December 2002-2003 achieving 92 and 94 per cent of the targets respectively.