12th January, 2003
President's Secretairat  


The two-day Conference of Governors concluded in New Delhi today at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Twenty-eight Governors and three Lt. Governors of the States and Union Territories attended the Conference. The Vice-President Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Deputy Prime Minister Shri L.K. Advani, the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission and Union Ministers of Defence, External Affairs, Human Resource Development, Disinvestment and North East, Agriculture, Water Resources, Youth Affairs and Sports also participated.

The Vice-President and the Prime Minister addressed the Conference today. In his address Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee said that since Independence various programmes have been launched to remove poverty and achieve progress and prosperity for the nation. However now it is for the first time that a clear road map for achieving the goal of a ‘Developed India’ has been devised. This road map, the Prime Minister said was being discussed and debated in all forums, including the Chief Ministers’ Conference, the National Development Council and now in the Conference of Governors. The goal for a ‘Developed India’ has also been mentioned in the 10th Five Year Plan, he added. This is now a total commitment and it can be achieved only through collective efforts of all concerned and at all levels.

The Prime Minister underscored the need for Governors to play a proactive role in the state administration with a total sense of partnership. According to him, it was, in the existing set up itself, possible for the Governors to be a full-fledged participant in the development process. The Prime Minister stressed the need for evolving empolyment-oriented economic programme. Resources would not be a constraint; what was needed was effective and purposeful implementation with a sense of involvement and participation at all levels.

The Vice-President, spoke on the problems of population growth, the public distribution system and the role of the Governors in these programmes. Shri Shekhawat also expressed concern about the high pendency of legal cases in the courts and called for the improvement in the administration of the criminal judicial system.

Earlier the Conference took-up the agenda items of the role of Governors as Chancellors of Universities and the vision of making India a developed nation and the role of the youth in this. All the Governors were of the view that there should be a Central legislation to clearly define the role of Chancellors in the Universities. While responding to the observation of the Governors in this regard the Union Human Resources Development Minister said that the Government would take adequate measures in this regard without affecting the autonomous functioning of the Universities.

The President explained the vision of transforming India into a developed country by 2020 with a computer presentation. Participating in the discussions on the vision for a developed India, the Governors generally felt that to achieve a developed and prosperous India by 2020, it was necessary that good governance should be provided at every level. The implementation of various policies and programmes depend on this, the Governors said. Transparency in governance, meaningful scheme for developing the full potential of youth, a forward looking National Youth Policy and implementation of comprehensive economic development programme were some of the suggestion made by the Governors for speedy achievement of the goal of a developed and prosperous India

The Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission made observations on the issues raised by the Governors with regard to the mission of a Developed India. The Union Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs spoke about the role of the youth in achieving the vision of a ‘Developed India’ and their participation through various voluntary organizations, Yuvak Kendras and organisations like the NCC and the NSS.

While summing-up, the President said that 2003 will be a year of action. Everything possible would be done by all concerned and at all levels to accelerate the process of making the country and its people happy, prosperous and secure. The President also assured the Conference that the suggestions and recommendations made by the Governors will be followed up through regular monitoring.

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