26th February, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  



Reports indicate that a number of Indian insurgent groups from North-East have bases in Bangladesh which are being used for safe havens, sanctuaries, bases for providing training to their cadres and transit facilities during their clandestine movement for purposes of arms smuggling and other illegal activities. The matter has been taken up with the Government of Bangladesh. They have assured that they will not allow undesirable elements to use their territory for activities prejudicial to the interests of India.

Stating this in Rajya Sabha today the Minister of State for Home, Shri I.D. Swami said the Government has taken various steps to tackle insurgency in the North-East which inter-alia includes deployment of para-military forces and Army, coordinated action by Security Forces for counter insurgency operations, declaration of major insurgent groups as unlawful association under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, declaration of the insurgency affected areas as "disturbed areas" under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, reimbursement of security related expenditure to the State Governments and modernization/upgradation of the State Police Forces.

To check infiltration from Indo-Bangladesh border, the Government is implementing a project for fencing, introduction of night vision equipments, strengthening border guarding by reducing gaps between border out posts, deployment of additional forces, increased patrolling etc. He said the Indo-Bangladesh fencing which has been taken up on priority basis is to be completed by 2007.

To another question the Minister said the Government has no specific information about terrorism being spread by Al-Qaida in Tripura. The Centre and the States also regularly review the situation at different levels.