18th February, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  




The Lok Sabha was today informed that the problem of illegal influx is mainly from Bangladesh. To curb illegal influx into the country, several measures have been taken by the Government which include strengthening of the Border Security Force and equipping them with modern and sophisticated equipment/gadgets, raising of additional battalions of BSF, reduction of gaps between border outposts, intensifying patrolling, accelerated programme of construction of border roads and border fencing and providing latest surveillance equipment.

The Minister of State for Home, Shri Harin Pathak told the House that the powers under Sec3(2)© of the Foreigners Act, 1946 to detect and deport foreign nationals staying in India unauthorisedly have been entrusted to State Governments and Union Territories. Administrative instructions are also issued to them from time to time to carry out special drives to detect the Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals staying illegally in the country for their immediate deportation.

Shri Pathak told the House that recently the Ministry of Home Affairs had held two meetings of the State Chief Secretaries/DG & IG police followed by a meeting of the State Chief Ministers. He said all the States have agreed to step up efforts to detect the foreign nationals who are illegally staying in the country and take necessary steps for their deportation.