13th February, 2003
Ministry of Environment & forests  


India and United States of America have identified certain areas concerning climate change for bilateral cooperation. A broader understanding in this regard has emerged at a meeting of an American delegation with an inter-ministerial delegation of India led by Shri K.C.Misra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, here today. Ms. Susan Gordon of the US Department of State and leader of the visiting American delegation suggested adaptation to climate change, communication technologies for dissemination of climate related information for rural development, hydrogen technology, renewable energy, energy efficiency improvement, carbon assessment in forestry, alternative fuel vehicles, economic and environmental modelling, integrated environmental strategies for cooperative effort.

Shri Misra said while India is keen for cooperative action in the suggested areas, specific programmes and projects will be finalised in tune with the national priorities and the spirit of Delhi Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. The American proposals include a project to assist India in increasing its adaptive capacity to change in climate across timescales and improve resource management of climate affected sectors. The cooperative effort in this regard will include assessment of potential consequences of climate variability and evaluation of adaptation strategies to increase resilience to climate variability and change. The Delhi Ministerial Declaration adopted at COP-8 conference accorded high priority to enhance adaptive capacities of developing countries to climate change.

India expressed keen interest in the US proposal for a pilot project to foster dissemination of agro-meteorological information and monsoon research to rural areas through development of RANET (Radio and Internet Technologies for Communication of Climate Related Information for Rural Development). Both the sides agreed to hold workshops in respect of identified areas of cooperation for information exchange and capacity building and evolving specific programmes.

Senior officials from the Ministries of External Affairs, Science & Technology, Petroleum & Natural Gas and Department of Ocean Development, Indian Meteorological Department, Central Pollution Control Board etc. participated in the delegation.