11th December, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



Reports of accelerated sowing of Rabi oilseeds and rabi pulses, particularly rapeseed & mustard in northern India continue to come in . However, the temperature during the past few days has been above normal in major Rabi growing regions. The precipitation in the north and north western Indian plains was also weak during the last month. This phenomenon would require to be watched for its further prolongation, as it may not favour Rabi crop conditions.

The normal area under Rabi oilseeds is 79 lakh hectares. Major Rabi oilseeds are Rapeseed & Mustard, Rabi Groundnut, Rabi Sunflower, Linseed and Safflower with a normal area of about 52, 9, 8, 6 and 4 lakh hectares respectively. Reported area sown under Rabi oilseeds so far is about 78 lakh hectares which is more than 20 lakh hectares as compared to last year’s coverage in the corresponding period. Area reported this year so far under Rapeseed & Mustard is 46 lakh hectares against 45 lakh hectares covered last year in the corresponding period. Accelerated sowing has taken place in Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. Major Rapeseed & Mustard growing States are Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat with a normal area of 19, 9, 5, 5 and 3 lakh hectares respectively. Rapeseed & mustard is the most prominent Rabi oilseed with a normal area of 52 lakh hectares. This is about 63% of the total Rabi oilseed area.

As regards Rabi pulses, the area reported to be sown so far is about 98 lakh hectares which is ahead by about 16 lakh hectares as compared to the corresponding period last year. The normal area under Rabi pulses is about 107 lakh hectares. Gram sowing has also accelerated and the area covered so far is 61 lakh hectares which is ahead by about 15 lakh hectares as compared to the corresponding period last year. Gram is the main crop under Rabi pulses with a normal area of 58 lakh hectares which is about 57% of the total Rabi pulses area. The major Bengal gram producing States are Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh with a normal area of 22, 9 and 8 lakh hectares respectively.

Wheat is a major rabi cereal with a normal area of about 264 lakh hectares which is about 55% of the area under Rabi foodgrains. Wheat sowing gains momentum with the average temperature descending to 25oC. Major wheat growing States in the country are Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh, Punjab , Rajasthan , Haryana and Bihar with normal area of 91, 38,34,24,23 and 21 lakh hectares respectively. The area coverage reported so far is 125 lakh hectares against 101 lakh hectares covered last year in the corresponding period.

Normal area under Rabi rice is about 42 lakh hectares. West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh account for two thirds of the area and it is mostly irrigated. Sowing of Rabi rice has commenced in the Southern Peninsula.

Total normal area under Rabi coarse cereals is 66 lakh hectares. Major Rabi Coarse Cereal is Rabi Jowar with a normal area of about 53 lakh hectares. Maize has reported 5 lakh hectares, exceeding the normal sowing area. Area reported so far under Rabi Coarse Cereals is about 60 lakh hectares, which is about 2 lakh hectares less than the last year’s coverage in the corresponding period.

As on the fifth of this month, total water storage in the 71 important reservoirs monitored by the Central Water Commission was about 53% of the full reservoir level of 131.28 billion cubic meters. This is 122% of the last year’s level and 78% of last 10 years’ average. The Bhima reservoir in Maharashtra has no utilizable water.


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