9th December, 2003
Ministry of Water Resources  



The President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in his inaugural speech laid stress on global crisis of water and its possible solutions on the occasion of Rotary International Presidential Celebration on Water Management here today. He further elaborated on the importance of Interlinking of the rivers, desalination of sea water, recharge of groundwater and use of solar energy with the augmentation of solar power satellite to desalinise sea water for beneficial use.

Union Minister for Water Resources, Shri Arjun Charan Sethi in his opening remarks expressed his gratitude to the President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam for his keen interest shown in technological development and particularly in Water Resources Sector and praised his presence as Chief Guest is a source of inspiration to the nation for his scientific outlook. While addressing the Rotary International Presidential Celebration on Water Management, he said that a result of growing population, per capita availability of water in the country is reducing day by day. On the other hand, the demand for water is increasing mainly due to urbanisation and industralisation. He expressed concern over uneven distribution of water both in space and time. Nation is to face the challenging task ahead as water has become a scarce commodity. He stressed the need for revolving strategy for development and management of water resources in the country. The development of water resources requires an integrated approach as optimal utilisation is the need of the hour. At the same time, he laid emphasis on improvement of efficiency in the system and sought active participation of all sections of the society to meet the challenges of the future.

The National Water Policy 2002 provides for participatory approach to water resources management and to involve stakeholders in an effective and decisive manner in various aspects of planning, development and management of water resources schemes. As the ground water resources is fast depleting due to overexploitation for irrigation and industries, the quality of water has been adversely affected, he said. It is, therefore, necessary to manage the extraction of groundwater in efficient and sustainable manner. To meet the objective of sustainable development, the strategy has to focus on augmentation of available water resources, their optimal utilisation and without sacrificing its quality. For recycling and use of treated effluents, adoption of traditional techniques are to be adopted and promoted where ever feasible for conservation of water resources. The Government of India has formulated a National Perspective Plan in the country for that surplus flood water are transferred to the water deficit area. The project has definite advantages. Realising the importance on urgent need for creating awareness about conservation and preservation of freshwater, the Government of India declared 2003 as the Freshwater Year in keeping with the United Nations’ Resolutions declaring 2003 as the International year of Freshwater.

Shri Sethi thanked the Rotary International for choosing Delhi as venue for their Presidential Celebration and that too for discussing the important issues of water management especially during the observance of Freshwater Year 2003. The two-day delebiration on the above issues will come out with some recommendations to provide valuable inputs in planning the strategies for meeting the future challenges in water resources sector. About 500 Rotarians from different parts of the globe have participated in the Rotary International Presidential Celebration after a lapse of 8 years here in Delhi.