8th December, 2003
inistry of Steel  



Government has approved a proposal for revival of the Indian Iron & Steel Company (IISCO). Implementation of this proposal has been initiated as follows :

    1. Grant of Rs.186 crores for financing the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in Kulti Works as a prelude to its closure has been given. Kulti Works is now closed and 2,544 employees have been separated through VRS.
    2. Government Guarantees of Rs.431 crores (Rs.341 crores for Capital Expenditure + Rs.90 crores for VRS) have been provided for raising money for financing VRS in Burnpur Works and Collieries & Mines as well as for Capital expenditure in these units. Funds amounting to Rs. 64 crores have been raised against the Government Guarantee provided so far.
    3. Steel Development Fund (SDF) loan of Rs.44.68 crores (including interest) and Joint Plant Committee (JPC) dues of Rs.18.49 crores have been waived.

During April-September 2003, Indian Iron & Steel Company (IISCO) has incurred a net loss of Rs. 43 crores as compared to Rs.100 crores during the same period of last year.

This information was given by the Minister of Steel, Shri Braja Kishore Tripathy in a written reply to the question of Dr. Nitish Sengupta in Lok Sabha today.