5th December, 2003
Ministry of Human Resource Development  


Government is implementing a comprehensive programme called Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) covering the entire country and addresses the needs of 192 million children in 11 lakh habitations. The programme seeks to open new schools in habitations which do not have schooling facilities, and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grant. Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength would be provided additional teachers. Teachers’ competence would be upgraded by extensive training, provision of grant for developing teaching-learning material and development of academic support structure. SSA has a special focus on girls and children of weaker sections. A number of initiatives, including free textbooks, target these children under the programme.

The approach is community-owned, and village education plans prepared in consultation with Panchayati Raj institutions form the basis of district elementary education plans.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is being implemented through State Governments and expenditure on it is being shared between the Centre and States on 75:25 basis during the 10th Plan.

The Government has written to Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa that they were too slow in implementing largely education for all programmed funded by the Central Government.

Government has also been prepared a new programme for girls’ elementary level education to be implemented in 21 states.

This information was given by Minister of State for Human Resource Development Dr. Sanjay Paswan in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.