4th December, 2003
Ministry of Rural Development  


Ministry of Rural Development has released Rs. 27.68 crore to State Government of Gujarat towards second installment of funds under Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP). The total allocation of funds is Rs. 55.37 crore during 2003-2004 for execution /completion of schemes to provide safe drinking water facilities to rural habitations and schools.

State Government should ensure that 15% of the funds released under this sanction amounting to Rs.415.28 lakh be spent exclusively on water quality affected habitations, 5% of the funds amounting to Rs138.43 lakh for taking sustainability measures and 15 % funds amounting to Rs.415.28 lakh should be spent for O&M activities through Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) who will be delegated the responsibility of supply of drinking water in the rural areas. State Government should match fund released by Union Ministry of Rural Development under ARWSP on 1:1 basis.

An amount of Rs.76.50 lakh has been released to the State Government towards second installment of funds against the provisional allocation of Rs.153 lakh during 2003-2004 for rural water supply under the Centrally Sponsored ARWSP-DDP Areas. About 5% of the annual allocation is earmarked to States covered by Desert Development Programme (DDP) under ARWSP. This is funded at 100% grant from the Central Government.