29th August, 2003
Ministry of Human Resource Development  


The Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Dr. Sanjay Paswan today assured that funds would not be a problem in the implementation of the Sarva Shiksha, the programme for universalisation of elementary education. He was addressing the editors of newspapers and magazines from all over the country who have assembled here for the Editors’ Conference on Social Sector Issues.

The Minister said that during the tenth Plan, an allocation of Rs. 17,000 crore has been made for SSA. As against Rs. 5443 crore approved last year to the States and Union Territories, a sum of Rs. 9374 crore has been approved this year uptill now. The Centre has, in fact, committed its support to States beyond the tenth Plan, he said.

Stressing that states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa where the number of out-of-school children is still high would have to work hard to universalize elementary education, the Minister also showed confidence that the goal of enrolling all children in 6-14 age group in school and ensuring that all children in this age group complete 5 years of primary education by 2007 and 8 years of education by 2010, would be achieved. Some states in this category earlier have made significant progress in the recent years, he said. SSA covers the entire country and addresses the needs of 19.2 crore children in 11 lakh habitations. 8.5 lakh existing primary and upper primary schools and 33 lakh existing teachers are being covered under the programme.

Dr. Paswan underlined the role of media and the non-governmental sector in this massive task. He said that while the government can provide the funds for schools, teachers, training etc to ensure that schools exist in the area, children go to school, teachers are available and impart quality education, every citizen of India has to come forward and contribute. He informed that under this programme, new schools are being opened in habitations which do not have schooling facilities, existing school's infrastructure is being strengthened by providing additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grant. Additional teachers are being provided where required. To improve the quality of education the capacity of existing teachers is to be enhanced by intensive training, provision of grant for developing teaching-learning materials and development of an academic support structure. SSA has a special focus on girls and children of weaker sections. A number of initiatives, including free textbooks, target these children under the programme. SSA also seeks to provide computer education in rural areas also to bridge the digital divide. Government of India has taken a number of steps to improve teacher availability and teacher training programmes for elementary education sector.