27th August, 2003
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


The Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has stressed the need for having an independent regulator for the broadcasting sector, which he said, is really exploding. He said, this has been stressed by the fast changing technology, which is overtaking our reactive policies and there is case for visualizing the broadcasting scene ten years hence.

Shri Prasad was opening a ‘Roundtable on the Need and Role of an Independent Regulator for the TV Broadcasting Sector’ organized here today, by FICCI under Frames-2004 knowledge series. Representatives from Television Broadcasting, Cable industry and Radio participated in the Roundtable.

Shri Prasad pointed out to the great divide among the various stakeholders like broadcasters, MSOs and the cable operators brought clearly out by the CAS experience further stresses the need for a regulator. But he made it clear that the Government has no role in regulation and it has to be totally independent of any Government control. But, he expressed concern over the protection of consumer interests.

Another reason for a regulator, Shri Prasad said is necessitated by the type of content put out by especially private channels about which various sections of the society including the members of Parliament and the Women’s Commission have complained. Shri Prasad regretted that all his pleas for self-regulation have fallen flat and the obscene and liquor ads and music videos continue to come back in one form or the other. It is not possible for the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting to monitor and follow the objectionable content.

But the Minister said that the Government can’t sit back when the consumer interests are impinged. He disagreed with the view that everything should be left to the market forces and said that it was too simplistic a suggestion. Dependence on market forces to determine the rates of private pay channels in CAS is the clear indication in this regard, he said. The Government would come to a conclusion in this regard after considering all aspects including the relevance of the Convergence Bill in the wake of CAS, DTH and uplinking experiences and also international practices, he added.

The overall consensus at the roundtable was on the immediate need of an independent regulator for the Broadcasting Sector.