21st August, 2003
Ministry of Railways  



The percentage of allocation of funds out of the total plan during 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 under Bridge Works was 1 per cent and 2 per cent respectively.

During 2001-2002, the total allocation (gross) for bridge works was Rs. 111.51 crores, as per Revised Estimate, against which the expenditure was Rs. 108.06 crore. In 2002-2003, the expenditure is Rs. 199.50 crore against the allocation of Rs. 219.84 crore. In Revised Estimate. Funds allocated have been, by and large, utilized.

Total 2700 bridges have been sanctioned for rebuilding/rehabilitation under Special Railway Safety Fund (SRSF). 776 bridges have been rehabilitated up to 2002-2003 and balance bridges are planned to be rehabilitated in next four years.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Bandaru Dattatraya in a written reply to a question from Shri Basudeb Acharia in the Lok Sabha today.